Having come from the nonprofit side of the fence, one thing that was of utmost importance to my NPO was the need for clarity in communications with our event attendees (some donors, others prospects), about where we were financially; where we could be with more resources; and how our guests fit into that opportunity equation.
Read more Benefit Auction Institute expands fundraising classes to Seattle market
Minnesota-based BAI brings fundraising auction education to the Pacific Northwest
Read more I believe cycling is a wonderful metaphor for both life and fundraising – keep moving, stick together, help each other, work hard and be prepared to suffer a bit. The outcome makes it all the more worthwhile.
Read more One can learn a lot from a seven-foot fuzzy bear. The Minnesota Twins’ mascot, TC, recently made an appearance at an event hosted by his teammate, Brian Dozier.
Read more Migration donation... yes, it's a thing!
Read more I'm sure you've done it (I can't be the only one!). You race to the airport to make a flight, get safely through security, and then wait to make the walk down the jetway to your plane. When finally aboard you pack into your seat like a sardine with every form of entertainment at your fingertips--books, magazines, movies, and oh yes, work!
Read more When conducting a Fund-a-Need appeal at your gala, what dollar amount should you ask for first? Do you ask for $1,000 as your first gift; $10,000; $5,000, $500, what?
Read more There are certain dates during the year that are popular for fundraisers. While every region of the country has its nuances, the month of April is the busiest in the Midwest. To be more specific, the last Saturday of April has been our busiest date for at least...
Read more I suspect you all know the fictional story of It's a Wonderful Life, right? Well, I'm here to tell you it's not fiction and the story doesn't just live on a movie reel. It is alive and well in Fillmore, California. And the title character's name is not George Bailey, but Mark Ortega. ...Let me explain.
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