Can you remember how you felt in those late summer days just prior to going back to school? …You know, that unique mix of anticipation, excitement and maybe even a little bit of angst? You have to scramble to get all of your necessary supplies and clothing checked off your To Do list. After months of waiting, bam! The start of school is right around the corner!
It’s a long time since I graduated from college, yet late every summer when kids head back to school I still feel that anticipation. I don’t know why, but I do.
Despite being on the doorstep of Spring, those same feelings are heightened for me now. At the Benefit Auction Institute we’re big on education—for our instructors as well as our students. On Saturday I will fly to Indianapolis and take a shuttle to Indiana University in Bloomington. There, I will stay at the on-campus hotel and share a room with a fellow classmate for a week. On Sunday, I will join auctioneers from all over the country for the National Auctioneers Association Certified Auctioneers Institute and begin year one of this designation (one week of education for three years) and the association's toughest to attain. As you’ll note from our website, both of my Co-Founders have attained their CAI designations. This year it’s on me to start the process--and I’m excited!
Adding to the fun, my partners in the Benefit Auction Institute will be on campus, too! Christie King, our Vice President will be teaching the “First Years” (sounds like Hogwart’s) about Benefit Auctions. And this year the National Auctioneers Association has launched a program called “CAI Next” filled with two days of TED Talks given by and for those who have attained their CAI designations. Both my husband, Kurt (our CFO), and Christie will present one of those talks.
Living back on a campus may bring a fun story or two to share. If you haven’t yet liked the Benefit Auction Institute on Facebook, this is a good time to jump in. I’ll be sharing photos of my adventures as a student as I proceed through my week.
Do you have any fun Back to School stories? By all means share!
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