An event in an airport hangar? How will that work? What could be awesome? What could go wrong? I recently sat with a client who shared that her next event was going to take place in an airport hangar. This was her nonprofit’s first time working in an airport hangar; it was our company’s fifth.
We spent 35 minutes throwing out ideas as our client tapped into our knowledge of this unique venue. We also chatted about how to have fun with revenue generators and auction items that could be tied to the event theme. By all accounts we left the meeting feeling like we had made great progress. One of the committee members said, “I am so glad we met early! You had so many good ideas and experiences to share that we never would have known about if we had not had this meeting!”
Professional Benefit Auctioneers are so much more than fast talkers. Take advantage of their event experience. Remember, you may do one or two events a year, but many Benefit Auction companies like ours can do eight events in a week! So next time, include your Professional Benefit Auctioneer in your planning to help create exciting ideas that work and will soar above your bottom line!
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